Cute Onion Club - Onion Head

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Computer Network Engineer


      I want to be Computer Network Engineer because network engineering involves knowing about more than just networks, and includes an understanding of server operating systems, electrical concepts, security and problem solving. Network engineers spend a lot of time learning about new technology so that they can keep the company on a good technology track. Some companies require their network engineers to pass network certification tests such as CompTIA’s Network+ or Microsoft’s MCSE.

Make new friends but keep the old. one is silver, the other gold.

Inchi Ni San says ciss :D. #JapanLanguage #Macbeth

Spend time with classmate.
Every day is a new beginnig, take a deep breath and start again.

Money can buy friends but not true friends. #Onefamily #SKN

Pelanduk dua serupa. #Hipster. #SalamRamadhan #RamadhanKareem
Pergi dengan harapan dan impian untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab ku sebagai student IKM demi family ku dan masa hadapan ku. #DormSweetDrom #DormKuSyurgaKu
Everyting happens for a reason